European Convention on Human Rights

The transformation of discretionary power in European migration law. From unregulated executive freedom to sophisticated decision-making processes and (underestimated) inroads for migrant protection (by Jonas Bornemann)
In several national legal systems in Europe, early efforts to regulate immigration relied heavily on discretionary powers. Whereas immigration laws in Europe have come a long way since, discretionary powers did not disappear from the European legal landscape entirely. Rather, European migration law continues to include discretionary decision making on several occasions. My research suggests…
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The legitimacy of EU competition fines – a structural comparison of European and national criminal investigation mechanisms (by Oliver Jany)
The fines imposed by the Commission have tremendously increased in recent years. Some scholars argue that they have always been or at least become “some sort of criminal law”. However, the extent and scope to which this results in criminal procedural safeguards being applied to the undertakings concerned remains unclear. Thus, I want to analyse…
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