
Towards an effective management of EU’s external borders (by Jordi Herrera)
Jordi’s project is focused on analyzing the current mechanisms and the main agencies and/or bodies charged with managing the EU’s external borders. Despite the remarkable evolution of the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, the need to develop cooperation and set up a legal framework related to the activities on the ground of EU…
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The Normative Inefficiency for the International Protection of Forced Migration (A Ineficiência Normativa na Proteção Internacional da Migração Forçada) (by Ana Luíza Motta)
Ana Luíza’s research focuses on asylum law, refugee law, and migration law, demonstrating the true protection of people ‘on the move’. The content covers both international migration law and the extension to new forms of protection. In sequence, it addresses refugee law and the applicability of the right to asylum in the European Union. In…
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