Artificial intelligence

Effective enforcement and risk-based inspections supported by artificial intelligence (by Luca Megale)
The project focuses on setting up innovative risk-based food safety inspections with the support of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The scope is to plan more targeted inspections, reduce related costs (for operators and public authorities, including the health system) and support voluntary compliance, which are all central elements for effective and efficient enforcement. Researcher: …
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Machine-learning algorithms and regulatory agencies: Changing organizations and practices (by Lukas Lorenz)
Lukas’ PhD research focuses on the role of machine-learning algorithms in the regulatory domain. Regulatory agencies have a dual role in societies that increasingly rely on algorithms. First, regulatory agencies conduct oversight over the use of algorithms, which might require changes in their organizations and enforcement practices. Second, regulatory agencies use algorithms to improve their…
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Artificial Intelligence and Public Law: European Law, Constitutional Principles and Administrative Procedures (by Anna Barbara Zejc)
The subject of my thesis is the investigation of the use of artificial intelligence in administrative procedures affecting European citizens, in particular the possible impact it may have in regard to the fundamental rights, as well as under the general principles of European Union law. Researcher Ms. Anna Barbara Zejc – De Castro Abogados
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Legal implications of predictive enforcement: The use of artificial intelligence and technology in predicting and preventing crime (by Kelly Blount)
Kelly’s PhD research focuses on the evolution of criminal law enforcement. Namely, her research analyzes the legal implications of using technology and artificial intelligence in predicting and preventing crime. The concept of a risk society has been elevated by the injection of technology into criminal law enforcement, further increasing its relevance and in turn, the…
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