EULEN Newsroom
We welcome your initiatives to bring academics and practitioners together and address the challenges for EU law enforcement within the thematic scope of this network.

Webinar: regulatory powers in the Digital Services Act
We would like to bring this event to your attention: Regulatory powers in the Digital Services Act – Dr. jur. Heleen Janssen and dr. Ben Wagner Date and time: Wednesday 9 June 2021, 15:00 – 16:30 Click here to register for this webinar. click image to enlarge.
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EULEN Webinar on Artificial Intelligence Systems and EU Law Enforcement
Date: 14 May 2021, 09:00h-13:30h One of the questions that our Network is facing is how EU law enforcement is being transformed by technological innovation. Accordingly, May, 14th from 09:00h-13:30h we will be reflecting on the role, promises and perils of artificial intelligence in various areas of EU law enforcement. The workshop will focus, firstly, on…
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The 2020 JMN EULEN Master Thesis Award Winner
We are happy to announce that Kas Bakx is the winner of the 2020 JMN EULEN Master Thesis Award. The title of his thesis is: “Tightening the screws to enforce independence”. Please have a look at the blog post Kas has written, in which he presents some findings from his master thesis. Utrecht University has…
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Online lunch discussion: How can we make the EU Single Market resilient?
Date: 29 January 2021, 12.00h-13.00h The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has brought challenges to the proper functioning of the EU Single Market. These challenges include export restrictions among the EU Member States and the closing of borders affecting the free movement of people, products, food supply, to name but a few. How shall we deal with…
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REOPENED Call for Abstracts: Conference on Extradition and Surrender
Leiden University, Utrecht University and Maastricht University are organizing a two day conference on extradition and surrender, offering a venue for practitioners and young scholars to exchange experiences and ideas on these subject matters. The first day focuses on the three streams in a series of corresponding plenary sessions. Each plenary session includes two presentations,…
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EULEN Webinar series: EU Competition Law Enforcement, challenges to be overcome
Date: 9, 22 October and 9 November 2020 Location: University of Bocconi (online) Final Programme The University of Bocconi will host three webinars about competition law. During these webinars several challenges in the field of EU competition law will be discussed. For instance, are the goals of competition law fit for the post pandemic more…
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EULEN virtual lunch meeting
On 6 July, the first EULEN virtual lunch took place. Stanislaw Tosza, Assistant Professor at Utrecht University, chaired the lunch where Koen Bovend’Eerdt, PhD candidate at Utrecht University, made a short intervention on one of the most pertinent questions of EU enforcement integration: the issue of the determination of the applicable law and the protection…
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One year ago today: the first meeting for the network
Exactly one year ago today, we held the first meeting to discuss the idea of the network.
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Roundtable ‘United we stand: National and supranational law enforcement in defence of the EU budget’
On the 26th of May 2020, the online Roundtable entitled ‘United we stand: National and supranational law enforcement in defence of the EU budget’ inaugurated the activities of EULEN at the University of Luxembourg. Speakers from the Luxembourg Financial Intelligence Unit, Eurojust, OLAF, and academia shared their views on the challenges connected with the protection of…
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Roundtable ‘The EU Migration, Border Management and Asylum Reform in the Aftermath of the Refugee Crisis: Towards an Effective Enforcement?’
As part of a series of roundtables in the first phase of EULEN, the University of Deusto held an entirely virtual roundtable on 12 June 2020 entitled ‘The EU Migration, Border Management and Asylum Reform in the Aftermath of the Refugee Crisis: Towards an Effective Enforcement?’. Despite the difficulties and constraints imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, speakers…
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