EULEN Newsroom
Call for Papers – Migration
Dear Network,
Please see below the call for papers issued by the University of Deusto:

The EU Migration, Border Management and
Asylum Reform in the Aftermath of the Refugee
Crisis: Towards an Effective Enforcement
International Conference of the Jean Monnet Network on
EU Law Enforcement (EULEN)
2-3 June 2022
University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain)
The “refugee crisis” revealed the urge to ensure the functioning of the Schengen area and the Common European Asylum System, the need to operationally assist those Member States most affected by the sudden and extraordinary arrival of mixed migratory flows, and the need to effectively and uniformly implement the EU measures regarding migration, asylum and border management. It is necessary to promote a transnational dialogue among administrations at the EU, national and local level, as well as to adopt effective measures that overcome the existing implementation deficit concerning migration, asylum and border management. In this regard, for example, EU decentralized agencies in the Area of Freedom, security and Justice have emerged as key actors, not only in providing operational assistance to frontline Member States, but also in effectively and uniformly implementing the EU border management, migration and asylum laws and policies adopted. The focus of the EU in border management, migration and asylum matters is shifting from adopting measures to tackling the existing implementation deficit. Against this background and due to the scarcity of research on this issue, the conference aims to address three key questions:
- To what extent are the operational tasks and inter-agency cooperation of the AFSJ agencies reinforced to assist the concerned Member States in effectively and uniformly implementing the migration, border management and asylum measures adopted at EU level?
- To what extent can the rule of law and the protection of fundamental rights be guaranteed within an AFSJ where EU and Member State agencies are expanding their operational and implementation powers?
- To what extent will the reform of the EU migration, asylum and border management matters, in the aftermath of the refugee crisis, ensure a consistent and effective enforcement of the legal instruments and policy measures in place
The International Conference of the Jean Monnet Network on EU Law Enforcement (EULEN) will focus on analyzing decentralized enforcement (i.e. reinforced cooperation among local, national and European authorities in implementing EU migration, asylum and border management measures), as well as on supranational and transnational enforcement (i.e. the emergence of EU AFSJ Agencies as key actors in effectively and uniformly implementing the laws and policies adopted by the EU). Specifically, the conference will consist of three panels:
– Enforcement in EU border management and migration
Confirmed keynote speakers: Prof. Jorrit Rijpma (Professor of European Law at the University of Leiden) who will present “Enforcement of Schengen border acquis: from infringement proceedings to vulnerability assessment”, and Dr. Marta HirschZiembinska (Principal Adviser on Charter compliance, European Ombudsman) who will present “Frontex’s accountability from the European Ombudsman’s perspective”.
– Enforcement in EU asylum
Confirmed keynote speakers: Prof. Elspeth Guild (Jean Monnet Professor ad personam at Queen Mary University of London) who will present “The Pitfalls of Migration Diplomacy: The EU Pact and Relations with Third Countries”, and Prof. Violeta Moreno-Lax ( Professor of Law at Queen Mary University of London).
– Enforcement in EU migrant smuggling
Confirmed keynote speakers: Prof. Conny Rijken (Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Tilburg) who will present “Victimisation during migration”, and Prof. Ryszard Piotrowicz (Professor of Law at Aberystwyth University) who will present “The Weaponisation of Migration”.
Abstracts must be submitted via email to: The deadline for the submission of abstracts is February 28. The following information must be included:
– An abstract, not exceeding 400 words
– A short bio of the author
– The panel for which the abstract should be considered
– The author’s name and affiliation
– The author’s contact details
The abstracts will be assessed by the conference committee, which consists of Prof. Joana Abrisketa Uriarte, Dr. Josune López Rodríguez, Dr. David Fernández-Rojo and Dr. Miroslava Scholten. Abstracts will be selected taking into account the originality and innovative nature of the work and relevance to the theme of the conference. Panel proposals are not eligible and only one abstract per author will be considered. We encourage both junior researchers, at PhD or postdoctoral level, and senior researchers to apply. Abstracts from members of the civil society and practitioners are also highly welcomed.
Selected speakers should submit a draft of their paper (min. 4,000 words) prior to the conference. After the conference, each submitted paper will be published in the EULEN online working paper series and will also be considered for their publication in the “Deusto Journal of European Studies”. The Deusto Journal of European Studies is a university journal specialized in the study of the European Union from an interdisciplinary perspective. The Journal is indexed, among others, in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI – Web of Science), SCOPUS or the Scimago Journal and Country Rank (SJR). Further details about how to submit papers for publication will be provided to all speakers immediately after the conference.
● The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 28.
● Successful applicants will be informed no later than March 21.
● The deadline for submission of full papers is May 23.
● On June 1, the selected papers will be published in the EULEN online working paper series.
● The deadline for submission of final papers to be included in the Deusto Journal of European Studies is June 27.
The International Conference will be an in-person event at the University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain). Accommodation costs (two nights) and travel costs (with a maximum limit) will be covered for paper givers.
For further information, please, check the website or write to