EULEN Newsroom
Call for Papers – Enforcement of EU Banking and Financial Services Law: Challenges and Opportunities

Enforcement of EU Banking and Financial Services Law: Challenges and Opportunities
Conference of the Jean Monnet Network on EU Law Enforcement (EULEN)
1st September – 2nd September 2022
King’s College London
The Centre of European Law at King’s College London is delighted to invite contributions to the conference ‘Enforcement of EU banking and financial services law: challenges and opportunities’, which will be held at King’s College London on 1st September and 2nd September 2022.
Theme of the Conference
EU banking and financial services law has seen a significant move by the Union towards greater harmonisation of legislation in the wake of the financial crisis. And while the establishment of the Banking Union has also led a more centralised system of enforcement in the banking area, in other areas of financial regulation a more traditional system of decentralised enforcement still prevails but has been complemented with, and in certain cases superseded by, a move towards greater integration within a European System of Financial Supervision. The Conference will analyse the opportunities and challenges for this melange of decentralised, transnational and supranational enforcement by exploring the interaction of the relevant actors at national and European level, the legal instruments they employ and the processes that integrate them in a complex administrative space.
The conference will focus on four areas of particular interest in this field:
- Panel 1: Enforcement co-ordination between national authorities in the European System of Financial Supervision;
- Panel 2: Effectiveness of hard and soft law intervention by European Supervisory Authorities in the ESFS;
- Panel 3: Enforcement co-ordination and accountability in the Single Supervisory Mechanism;
- Panel 4: The role of private parties in the enforcement of EU banking and financial services law.
We welcome abstract submissions from academics (including PhD researchers) and practitioners (from private practice and public bodies) conducting research in the enforcement of EU banking and financial services law in all its dimensions.
Format of the Conference
The conference will take place in person at King’s College London, Strand Campus. The conference will be structured around four panels corresponding to the four areas of interest. Each panel session will consist of short presentations of papers selected on the basis of this Call for Papers with invited stakeholders and scholars acting as discussants. We will also organise a poster exhibition and a networking session on the first day.
Instructions for Submission
Please submit an abstract (max. 400 words) to Ms Şimal Efsane Erdoğan ( no later than 21 March 2022. Your abstract must include the following:
- Short bio of the author
- The author’s name and affiliation
- The author’s contact details
- The panel for which the abstract should be considered
The abstract will be considered by the conference committee which will consist of Prof. Alexander Türk, Dr. Miroslava Scholten, and Dr. Oana Ștefan. Abstracts will be selected taking into account the originality and innovative nature of the work and relevance to the theme of the conference. Successful candidates will be notified no later than 1 April 2022.
Selected speakers should submit a draft of their paper (min. 4,000 words) prior to the conference. After the conference, each submitted paper will be published in the EULEN online working paper series and will also be considered for publication in the Journal of Banking Regulation.
- Deadline for submission of abstracts: 21 March 2022.
- Successful applications will be informed no later than 1 April 2022.
- Deadline for submission of full papers is 20 June 2022.
Programme for the conference and information about registration can be found here.
We will cover the costs for accommodation (2 nights) and travel (with a maximum limit) for the selected speakers. Reimbursement is conditional on the submission of full papers from authors.
For further information, please check the website or write to Dr Oana Ștefan (